Smug’s Club

As a valued member you'll enjoy exclusive perks and rewards with every visit!

Join Smug's Club loyalty program and save on food and drinks! As a valued member, you'll enjoy exclusive perks and rewards with every visit. Earn points for every purchase, and watch your savings grow. Plus, receive special discounts, birthday treats, and access to upcoming specials and events.

Join today to elevate your dining experience and indulge in a world of delicious savings. Because at Smug's, we believe in treating our loyal customers like VIPs. Join the club and savor the taste of savings with every bite and sip!


  • Signup Bonus: 25 Points

  • Birthday Treat: $5 during your birthday month

  • Take-Out Bonus: Double points for take-out orders from

  • Day & Time Bonus: Double points Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 11:00 AM to 3:30 PM